Almost a month in and the joint NUT/NASUWT action is having a significant impact in schools across Oxfordshire. Working together with headteachers and others, we have been using the action to improve the conditions of members in a number of schools and to address the failure of the Secretary of State to protect teachers, and thereby their students, from the damaging effects excessive workload.
One of the great things about this action is that it has seen teachers acting together to protect their terms and conditions. Where individuals have been struggling under immense pressure, often worried about raising it with a headteacher under similar or even greater pressure, this action has brought people together to find shared solutions.
We have had a huge response from NUT school groups contacting us (hence the lack of recent updates to this blog!) to let us know what an impact the action has had in their school. We have also had a number of schools where, after meeting to look at the guidance from the NUT nationally, members have agreed that the action will have little or no impact on their school because measures are already in place to deal with concerns about workload and other issues.
Finally, we have a number of schools where we are still advising members on what they can do together to help improve things for teachers and, ultimately, for students. If you are still at this stage, please do get in touch as we are only too willing to support you through the process of reclaiming teachers time for teaching and learning.